June 11, 2024


New LED lighting was needed inside of a large car paint spraying unit in Solihull Birmingham. The only problem was that access was very limited. Scaffold access was difficult to erect, costly and due to the production lines and plant below, the use of MEWPS was impossible. The task was to climb along horizontal steel roof beams remove the existing high bay lighting, lower this down to the ground, haul up the new LED units and connect these to the mains supply.
Using years of rope access experience a plan was devised to allow safe access to the underside of the roof to accomplish the task for the client. Using specialist EN795 beam clamps rope accessoperatives were able to climb horizontally along the roof beams, establish anchor points that could be used to raise and lower equipment, complete the removal and installation of the lighting and work safely with our method statement, risk assessment and rescue plan.
The old high bay lighting was located 15m above the ground floor of the unit. This old lighting was only giving a limited light source to the unit, hence the need for the installation of new modern LED units.
The production line of the factory also limited the use of traditional access methods such as scaffolding and hoists due to the hundreds of meters of tracks located across the floor of the unit.
This was not a simple task for our rope access team, but took many hours of physical climbing and extreme effort to complete the task for our client. The results from the installation have been welcomed by the client and workforce, as the paint spraying unit is now a much safer and pleasant environment to work in due to the increase in lighting from the new LED units.
Rope access is a cost effective, professional and safe means of access that results in time and expense savings for the client. We would be more than happy to speak with you about your particular access requirements or concerns. Rope Task offer not only rope access solutions but also height safetyedge protection installation, on site testing and certification of height safety equipment.